Thursday, January 11, 2007

Stop press: Jim's smalls

It's troubling to return to this subject so quickly after the last posting but having checked on the progress of the washing downstairs it seems that Jim must have indeed managed to sneak some item of his underclothes in with the saddle cloths as the washing machine, clearly overfaced with such a gargantuan task as getting Jim's pants clean, has leaked all over the floor. Just what what we need in the middle of the rainy season: more water.

1 comment:

MersonPerson100 said...

Jim was told he could sleep in the Porsche however he chose to park his sorry arse in the porch. Following a long conversation with the Police, I was informed that it was not worth pressing charges.

Yes, you guessed it, I am the bemsed owner of the doss house. Jim, never darken my door again...